News Archive

Messages from Lockdown

Written on May 23, 2020

Representatives of IAF members expressed and shared their support to Aikidoka not able to practice during the pandemic times.

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Stay Safe IAF Campaign

Written on May 23, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic led to the closure of most of the dojos for an indefinite period of time. But Aikidoka continued to practice by themselves. We invited people all over the world to share moments of Aikido at home.

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Message from Doshu regarding Covid-19

Written on May 23, 2020

Here is the message regarding COVID-19 that Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba sent to the Aikido community today.

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Postponement of the International Aikido Summit

Written on May 23, 2020

The International Aikido Federation (IAF) has been in close contact with the Aikikai World Headquarters monitoring the Covid-19 situation in Japan and the rest of the world in order to decide whether to host the International Aikido Summit as scheduled or not in Sep/Oct 2020.

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New Zealand Anniversary

Written on May 23, 2020

Aikido Shinryukan cerebrated the 50th Anniversary in Auckland, New Zealand, during the 6th-8th of March 2020.

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Safety advice

Written on May 23, 2020

In the light of the global spreading of the Corona virus, national safety restrictions regarding the practice of Aikido should be obeyed. We all hope that the global situation will change soon!

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European events affected

Written on May 23, 2020

Several Europe Aikido events have been cancelled or postponed because of the covid-19 risk situation.

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Preparation for the Summit

Written on May 23, 2020

To the Aikido community

We are in earnest preparing for the International Aikido Summit to take place this fall and there are no changes to the event plan for the time being.  

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Special celebration in Cairo

Written on May 23, 2020

Cairo hosted a special celebration in the presence of His Excellency, Mr. Masaki Noke, Ambassador of Japan in Egypt, for awarding the Dan Ranks Certificates to Egyptian Aikidoka.

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The Kagami Biraki 2020 Ceremony at Aikikai Hombu Dojo

Written on May 23, 2020

The Kagami Biraki ceremony gathered a lot of people at Hombu Dojo this Sunday, 12th of January 2020. Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba conducted the ceremony and a total of 923 Aikidoka were promoted to a new Yudansha Aikido Aikikai rank.

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