News Archive

RIP Renato Filippin - Message from IAF Chairman

Written on May 23, 2020

The IAF team is saddened by the very sudden passing of Renato Filippin Shihan 7th dan. Renato Filippin Shihan had been working hard with his wife, Amadea Thoma, for a long time to introduce Aikido to children in the city of St. Gallen.

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RIP Renato Filippin - Message from ACSA

Written on May 23, 2020

Sad and upset, we have to say goodbye to Renato Filippin Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai. He passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, November 1st. With Renato we are losing an Aikidoka from the very beginning in Switzerland.

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Aikido Art Donation

Written on May 23, 2020

We are so happy to receive the graphic contribution of Mr. Francesco Dessi as a donation of his company for the IAF, in order to promote Aikido for the new generation, especially now, in the time of the pandemic!

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Liaison Meeting IAF-Aikikai / Sep 2020

Written on May 23, 2020

On Thursday, October 1st, the liaison meeting between the IAF and the Aikikai was held in a very constructive atmosphere. Decisions regarding the IAF General Assembly and the IAF Summit were agreed during the meeting.

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Ueshiba Morihei Memorial Museum Reportage on NHK

Written on May 23, 2020

HK, the public media organization of Japan, broadcasted a very nice news reportage, announcing that the Ueshiba Morihei Memorial Museum has been built in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, his birthplace, to celebrate the achievements of the founder of Aikido, Ueshiba Morihei.

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Message of Doshu on Gratitude from Behind Masks

Written on May 23, 2020

Here are the recent words of Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba regarding the gratitude each of us can feel towards life and simple things, even though we are still affected by the pandemic.

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First International Feminine Online Aikido Seminar organized by our Colombian Member

Written on May 23, 2020

A few day ago, our member in Colombia organized the First International Feminine Online Aikido Seminar and the feedback was great, reaching to over one hundred thousand people around the world. Here is a nice report made by the organizer, Germán Santamaría Sensei.

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Happy birthday to Hombu Dojo-cho!

Written on May 23, 2020

Happy birthday to Hombu Dojo-cho Mitsuteru Ueshiba!
Many wishes of joy, health and harmony!

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Message of Doshu on Regaining Daily Life

Written on May 23, 2020

Here is the message from Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba sent today, regarding the regain of daily life after the Emergency Declaration of Japan, including Tokyo, was lifted.

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Happy Anniversary, IWGA!

Written on May 23, 2020

The International World Games Association (IWGA) is celebrating its 40th anniversary. The organization was founded on 21st of May 1980. 

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